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Biblioteka Strategiczna [Texte imprimé], Tom 1 / pod redakcją Valentina Filipa i Mirosława Nagielskiego ; [wydana przez] Wydział historyczny Unywersytetu Warszawskiego ; Polskie stowarzyszenie im. Carla von Clausewitza przy Akademii sztuki wojennej w Warszawie

Secondary Author: Filip, Valentin, Editeur;Nagielski, Mirosław, 1952-...., EditeurCorporate Author (Secondary): Akademia sztuki wojennej, Varsovie, Polskie stowarzyszenie Carla von Clausewitza, Editeur;Uniwersytet warszawski, Wydział historyczny, EditeurLanguage: polonais ; français.Country: Pologne, France.Publication: Warszawa : Wydawnictwo DiGBellerive-sur-Allier : Édition la Rama, DL 2017Manufacture: impr. en PologneDescription: 1 vol. (216 p.) : ill. ; 24 cmISBN: 9788328600102; 979-10-95627-29-6.Dewey: 355.001, 23Classification: 355Abstract: — Valentin Filip . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ....5 Word from the President of the Polish Association of Carl von Clausewitz Le mot du Président — Valentin Filip . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ....7 List of abbreviations Introduction Jerzy Pysiak Manifestation of sovereignty in France while faced with the invasion of Henry V in 1124 Miroslaw Nagielski Safety strategy of Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth in the context of 17th century wars Aleksander Czaja Julian Ursyn Niemcewicz and military reform of the Four-Year Seym Christian E. O. Millotat General Carl von Clausewitz: heritage and impact Vincent Desportes L'évolution des formes de guerre...69 Evolution of the forms of war Pour une histoire de la pensée militaire polonaise. Un point de vue français...79 Polish military thought. The French point of view Jerzy Maron Che Guevara in polish view Jacek Lasota Guerrilla warfare in the views of Che Guevara — the context of art of war Jerzy Maron Viet-Nam conflict (1945–1975) in polish historical military literature. Some thoughts Lukasz Kamienski Risk society at war: systemic, political and tactical risk management Krzysztof Rokicinski The influence of globalization on the defense strategy Tadeusz Plusa Contemporary threat of bio-terrorism Pawel Behrendt Arms trade in foreign Policy of the People's Republic of China KOMUNIKATY Jaroslaw Czubaty „The war of a lion versus a whale”. Non-military aspects of the Franco-British conflict during the Napoleonic era Rafal Habielski orm or prejudice? Stanislaw Mackiewicz with regards to British politics Pierre Buhler The power of the XXI century.Subject - Personal Name: Clausewitz Carl von -- Critique et interprétation Subject - Topical Name: Art et science militaires Subject - Form: Actes de congrès

Contient des articles et des contributions livrés lors de différentes conférences tenues de 2010 à 2016 à la Polskie stowarzyszenie im. Carla von Clausewitza (Association polonaise Carl von Clausewitz) de la Akademia sztuki wojennej (Académie des arts de la guerre) de Varsovie et au Wydział historyczny Unywersytetu Warszawskiego (Département d'histoire de l'Université de Varsovie)

Table des matières en polonais et français avec une traduction des titres des contributions en anglais

Notes bibliogr.

— Valentin Filip . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ....5 Word from the President of the Polish Association of Carl von Clausewitz Le mot du Président — Valentin Filip . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ....7 List of abbreviations Introduction Jerzy Pysiak Manifestation of sovereignty in France while faced with the invasion of Henry V in 1124 Miroslaw Nagielski Safety strategy of Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth in the context of 17th century wars Aleksander Czaja Julian Ursyn Niemcewicz and military reform of the Four-Year Seym Christian E. O. Millotat General Carl von Clausewitz: heritage and impact Vincent Desportes L'évolution des formes de guerre...69 Evolution of the forms of war Pour une histoire de la pensée militaire polonaise. Un point de vue français...79 Polish military thought. The French point of view Jerzy Maron Che Guevara in polish view Jacek Lasota Guerrilla warfare in the views of Che Guevara — the context of art of war Jerzy Maron Viet-Nam conflict (1945–1975) in polish historical military literature. Some thoughts Lukasz Kamienski Risk society at war: systemic, political and tactical risk management Krzysztof Rokicinski The influence of globalization on the defense strategy Tadeusz Plusa Contemporary threat of bio-terrorism Pawel Behrendt Arms trade in foreign Policy of the People's Republic of China KOMUNIKATY Jaroslaw Czubaty „The war of a lion versus a whale”. Non-military aspects of the Franco-British conflict during the Napoleonic era Rafal Habielski orm or prejudice? Stanislaw Mackiewicz with regards to British politics Pierre Buhler The power of the XXI century éditeur

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