Justice first [Texte imprimé] : the future of Kosovo and Metochia is in a just state : semi-philosophical essays / Dragan Pavlovic
Language: anglais ; serbe ; of title proper, anglais.Country: France, Serbie.Publication: Paris : DialogueBelgrade : Čigoja štampa, 2019Manufacture: impr. en SerbieDescription: 1 vol. (III-XXII-263 p.) : ill. ; 21 cmISBN: 2911527151; 978-86-531-0510-5.Dewey: 320.949 71, 23Classification: 320Abstract: In this book the recent Balkan events are briefly mentioned, the geopolitical causes of those events analyzed, and the idea is advanced that a community or even a state may be founded on the property that all its members or citizens could share and that this "property" is justice. If a community is founded on some property that some members cannot share, it will be unjust to some extent. Some members may accept such injustice in exchange for some advantages or under oppression. Various degrees of oppression may be accepted depending on the balance between the advantages and disadvantages imposed by the oppression. In a state for example, if it is founded on ethnicity, such a state would by definition be unjust and such a community would be therefore instable. I maintain that, for example, if looking for the solution to the actual problem of Kosovo a solution that contains the maximal amount of justice should be looked for and that the formation of an ethnic state should be avoided. In the end, I propose some models of the solutions and suggest that, while various solutions are probably possible, the basic strategy of the search for the solution should be an open frontier towards Serbia and justice preserving political solutions. Adjacent full application of the International Law would require the USA - Russia cooperation on the level of some direct Permanent Conference..Subject - Topical Name: Justice et politique -- Philosophie | Reconstruction de l'État -- Kosovo -- 1990- | Ethnicité -- Aspect politique -- Kosovo -- 1990- Subject - Geographical Name: Kosovo -- HistoireItem type | Current library | Call number | Status | Barcode | |
Book | Bibliothèque Tamil Général Stacks | 320.949 71 (Browse shelf(Opens below)) | Available | 1259961 |
Textes en anglais et en serbe. Contient une préface et un texte en français
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Bibliogr. et webliogr. p. 250-258. Résumé en anglais et en serbe
a01 ba Mention parallèle de titre ou de responsabilité : Prvo pravda : budućnost Kosova i Metohije je u pravednoj državi : semi-filozofski eseji / Dragan Pavlović
a01 ba Mention parallèle de titre ou de responsabilité : Прво правда : будућност Косова и Метохије је у праведној држави : семи-филозофски есеји / Драган Павловић
In this book the recent Balkan events are briefly mentioned, the geopolitical causes of those events analyzed, and the idea is advanced that a community or even a state may be founded on the property that all its members or citizens could share and that this "property" is justice. If a community is founded on some property that some members cannot share, it will be unjust to some extent. Some members may accept such injustice in exchange for some advantages or under oppression. Various degrees of oppression may be accepted depending on the balance between the advantages and disadvantages imposed by the oppression. In a state for example, if it is founded on ethnicity, such a state would by definition be unjust and such a community would be therefore instable. I maintain that, for example, if looking for the solution to the actual problem of Kosovo a solution that contains the maximal amount of justice should be looked for and that the formation of an ethnic state should be avoided. In the end, I propose some models of the solutions and suggest that, while various solutions are probably possible, the basic strategy of the search for the solution should be an open frontier towards Serbia and justice preserving political solutions. Adjacent full application of the International Law would require the USA - Russia cooperation on the level of some direct Permanent Conference. éditeur
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