The Chopin album [Enregistrement sonore] / Frédéric Chopin, Auguste-Joseph Franchomme, comp. ; Auguste-Joseph Franchomme, A. Glazunov, arr. ; Sol Gabetta, vlc ; Bertrand Chamayou, p
Piece-Analytic Level: Sonata for cello and piano in G minor Op. 65 / Frédéric Chopin, comp. • Polonaise brillante in C major Op. 3 / Frédéric Chopin, comp. • Grand duo concertant on themes from Meyerbeer's "Robert the Devil" (11 min 53) / Frédéric Chopin & Auguste-Joseph Franchomme, comp. • Étude Op. 25 no. 7 in C-sharp minor (5 min 16 s) / Frédéric Chopin, comp. ; transcription for cello & piano by A. Glazunov • Nocturne Op. 15 no. 1 in F major (5 min 19 s) / Frédéric Chopin, comp. ; transcription for cello & piano by A. Franchomme • Nocturne for cello and piano Op. 14 no. 1 (4 min 36 s) / AugusteJoseph Franchomme, comp.Language: français.Publication: [Europe] : Sony music entertainment, [France] : distrib. Sony music entertainment, P 2015Description: 1 disque compact + 1 brochureClassification: 104Subject - Form: musique instrumentale de chambre | musique classique | édition phonographiqueItem type | Current library | Status | Barcode | |
CD musique | Bibliothèque Tamil Général Stacks | Available | 1341700 |
Enregistrement : (Allemagne) Berlin, Siemensvilla, 20141113 - 20141117
Prod. : Sony music entertainment, P 2015
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