Spell weaving [Enregistrement sonore] : ancient music from the Highlands of Scotland / Barnaby Brown, cornemuses, chant ; Bill Taylor, hrp, lyre ; Clare Salaman, hardingfele, hurdy-gurdy
Piece-Analytic Level: Hindorõdin hindodre, one of the Cragich, a 'rocky pibroch' PS 53 (5 min 03 s) • Cumha Mhic Leòid, McLeod's lament P 135 (15 min 35 s) • Fear pìoba meata, the timid piper PS 103 (3 min 10 s) • Cruinneachadh nan Sutharlanach, the Sutherland gathering PS 72 (14 min 54 s) • Hiorodotra cheredeche, a namless pibroch PS 126 (3 min 47 s) • Port na srian, the horse's bridle tune PS 107 (11 min 19 s) • Pìobaireachd na pàirce, the park pibroch PS 21 (10 min 59 s) • Ceann drochaid' Innse-bheiridh, the end of Inchberry bridge PS 165 (9 min 44 s)Language: gaélique; gaélique écossais.Country: Royaume-Uni.Publication: Edinburgh (Grande-Bretagne) : Delphian records, [Paris] : [distrib. UVM distribution], P 2016Description: 1 disque compact (1 h 14 min 37 s) : DDD + 1 brochureSeries: European music archaeology project, 1Classification: 104Subject - Form: musique ancienne (avant 1600) | musique classique | musique vocale soliste | édition phonographique | anthologie ou récitalItem type | Current library | Status | Barcode | |
CD musique | Bibliothèque Tamil Général Stacks | Available | 1368884 |
Indication des sources
Enregistrement : (Guinée) Huddersfield, University, Philips hall, 20150608 - 20150610
Prod. : University of Huddersfield under exclusive licence to Delphian records, P 2016
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