Your search returned 2 results.

Image from Coce
L'ombre d'un autre [Texte imprimé] / Lisa Stone ; traduit de l'anglais britannique par Agnès JaubertTranslation of: ˜The œdarkness withinPublication: [Bernay] : City thriller, DL 2018Manufacture: 58-Clamecy : Impr. LaballeryDescription: 1 vol. (330 p.) ; 24 cmAvailability: Items available for loan: Bibliothèque Tamil (1).
Image from Coce
Entryways of Milan [Texte imprimé] / edited and directed by Karl Kolbitz ; photographs by Matthew Billings, Delfino Sisto Legnani, Paola Pansini ; texts by Fabrizio Ballabio, Lisa Hockemeyer, Daniel Sherer... [et al.] ; stone identification by Angela Ehling, Grazia Signori ; stone commentary by Grazia Signori ; design identification and commentary by Brian KishPublication: Cologne : [Paris] : TaschenManufacture: impr. en ItalieCopyright date: 2017Description: 1 vol. (384 p.) : ill. en coul. ; 34 cmAvailability: Items available for loan: Bibliothèque TamilCall number: 728.909 45 (1).
Version 24.11.02
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