Your search returned 49 results.

Image from Coce
Not dead yet [Texte imprimé] : l'autobiographie / Phil Collins ; traduit de l'anglais par Philippe MotheTranslation of: Not dead yet : the autobiographyPublication: Paris : Éditions Points, DL 2018Description: 1 vol. (473 p.) ; 18 cmAvailability: Items available for loan: Bibliothèque TamilCall number: 782.421 66092 (1).
Hello, I must be going ! [Enregistrement sonore] / Phil Collins, chant [acc. voc. et instr.]Publication: [Europe] : Warner music, [France] : [distrib. Warner music France], P 2016Description: 1 disque : 33 t ; 30 cm + 1 f. de pl.Availability: Items available for loan: Bibliothèque Tamil (1).
No jacket required [Enregistrement sonore] / Phil Collins, chant [acc. voc. et instr.]Publication: [Europe] : Warner music, [France] : [distrib. Warner music France], P 2016Description: 1 disque : 33 t ; 30 cmAvailability: Items available for loan: Bibliothèque Tamil (1).
The singles [Enregistrement sonore] / Phil Collins, chant [acc. voc. et instr.]Publication: [Europe] : Warner music, [France] : [distrib. Warner music France], P 2016Description: 3 disques compacts + 1 brochure, 1 f. de pl.Availability: Items available for loan: Bibliothèque Tamil (1).
Image from Coce
Asie, Océanie [Texte imprimé] / National geographic ; édité par Reuel Golden... ; essai de Douglas Brinkley ; légendes de Mark Collins Jenkins ; d'après une idée de Lawrence Schiller ; directed and produced by Benedikt Taschen ; [traduit de l'anglais par Alice Pétillot, Daniel Roche, Philippe Safavi]Set Level: 45678192, ˜Le œtour du monde en 125 ansPublication: Köln : [Paris] : TaschenManufacture: impr. en ItalieCopyright date: 2017Description: 1 vol. (392 p.) : ill. en coul. ; 38 cmAvailability: Items available for loan: Bibliothèque TamilCall number: 910.222 (1).
Magic Disney [Enregistrement sonore] : bandes originales du Roi Lion, Tarzan, la Belle et la Bête et bien plus... / Debbie Davis, Phil Collins, Karine Costa... [et al.], chantPublication: [Europe] : EMI records, [France] : [distrib. Universal licensing music], [DL 2013]Description: 1 disque compactAvailability: Items available for loan: Bibliothèque Tamil (1).
Guitar heroes [Images animées] : special editionPiece-Analytic Level: a001000, ˜The œStrat pack live in concert (2 h 35 min) / Aubrey Powell, réal. ; Joe Walsh, David Gilmour, Brian May... [et al.], guit. • a002000, Eric Clapton & friends live 1986 (58 min) / Eric Clapton, chant, guit. ; Phil Collins, batt. ; Greg Phillinganes, claviers ; Nathan East, chant, guit. b • a003000, Jeff Beck performing this week..., live at Ronnie Scott's / Jeff Beck, guit. [acc. instr.]Publication: [Europe] : Eagle Rock entertainment [éd.], [Paris] : Universal music France [distrib.], 2013Description: 3 DVD vidéo monofaces simple couche toutes zones (2 h 35 min, 58 min, 2 h 35 min) : 4/3 et 16/9, coul. (PAL), son., surround (Dolby)Availability: Items available for loan: Bibliothèque Tamil (1).
Hunger games : la révolte, Partie 1 [Images animées] / Francis Lawrence, réal. ; Suzanne Collins, aut. adaptée, adapt. ; Peter Craig, Danny Strong, scénario ; James Newton Howard, comp. ; Jennifer Lawrence, Josh Hutcherson, Liam Hemsworth... [et al.], act.Translation of: ˜The œhunger games : mockingjay, Part 1Publication: [Paris] : Metropolitan filmexport [éd.], [Neuilly-sur-Seine] : Warner home video [distrib.], 2015Description: 2 BD vidéo (2 h 02 min) : coul. , son., surroundAvailability: Items available for loan: Bibliothèque Tamil (1).
Hunger games, La révolte, 1ère partie [Images animées] : édition prestige / Francis Lawrence, réal. ; Peter Craig, Danny Strong, scénario ; Suzanne Collins, adapt., aut. adapté ; Jennifer Lawrence, Josh Hutcherson, Liam Hemsworth... [et al.], act.Translation of: Hunger games, Mockingjay, Part 1Publication: Paris : Metropolitan filmexport [éd.], Neuilly-sur-Seine : Warner home video France [distrib.] : 2015Description: 2 BD vidéo (7 h) : coul., son., surround + 2 DVD vidéoAvailability: Items available for loan: Bibliothèque Tamil (1).
Both sides [Enregistrement sonore] / Phil Collins, chant [acc. voc. et instr.]Piece-Analytic Level: Both sides of the story (6 min 42 s) • Can't turn back the years (4 min 40 s) • Everyday (5 min 43 s) • I've forgotten everything (5 min 15 s) • We're sons of our fathers (6 min 24 s) • Can't find my way (5 min 09 s) • Survivors (6 min 05 s) • We fly so close (7 min 33 s) • There's a place for us (6 min 52 s) • We wait and we wonder (7 min 01 s) • Please come out tonight (5 min 46 s) • Take me with you, extra sides (5 min 22 s) • Both sides of the story, live, extra sides (8 min 11 s) • Can't turn back the years, live, extra sides (6 min 54 s) • Survivors, live, extra sides (6 min 42 s) • Everyday, live, extra sides (6 min 03 s) • We wait and we wonder, live, extra sides (7 min 42 s) • Can't find my way, demo, extra sides (4 min 48 s) • I've been trying, extra sides (5 min 01 s) • Both sides of the story, unplugged, extra sides (5 min 20 s) • Hero, demo, extra sides (4 min 47 s)Publication: [Europe] : Warner music, [France] : [distrib. Warner music France], [DL 2016]Description: 2 disques compacts + 1 dépl.Availability: Items available for loan: Bibliothèque Tamil (1).
Take a look at me now [Enregistrement sonore] / Phil Collins, chant [acc. instr.]Publication: [Europe] : Warner music, [France] : [distrib. Warner music France], [DL 2016]Description: 3 disques : 33 t ; 30 cmAvailability: Items available for loan: Bibliothèque Tamil (1).
Dance into the light [Enregistrement sonore] : extra move / Phil Collins, chant [acc. instr.]Piece-Analytic Level: Dance into the light, live (4 min 41 s) • Just another story, live (6 min 20 s) • Wear my hat, live (4 min 59 s) • River so wide, live (4 min 58 s) • Take me down, live (3 min 37 s) • Lorenzo, demo (4 min 47 s) • That's what you said, demo (4 min 17 s) • Another time, b-side (5 min 34 s) • It's over, b-side (4 min 24 s) • I don't want to go, b-side (2 min 55 s)Publication: [Europe] : Warner music, [France] : [distrib. Warner music France], P 2016Description: 2 disques compacts + 1 dépl.Availability: Items available for loan: Bibliothèque Tamil (1).
No jacket required [Enregistrement sonore]Extra large jacket required / Phil Collins, chant [acc. voc. et instr.]Piece-Analytic Level: Sussudio • Only you know and I know • I don't wanna know • One more night • Don't lose my number • Who said I would • Doesn't anybody stay together anymore • Inside out • Take me home • Sussudio, live • Don't lose my number, live • Who said I would, live • Long long way to go, live • Only you know and I know, live • Easy lover, live • Inside out, live • Doesn't anybody stay together anymore, live • One more night, live • Take me home, live • Only you know and I know, demo • One more night, demo • Take me home, demoPublication: [Europe] : Warner music, [France] : [distrib. Warner music France], P 2016Description: 2 disques compacts (50 min 52 s, 1 h 10 min 48 s) + 1 dépl.Availability: Items available for loan: Bibliothèque Tamil (1).
Image from Coce
Europe [Texte imprimé] / National geographic ; édité par Reuel Golden... ; essai et légendes de Mark Collins Jenkins, légendes ajoutées de Joe Yogerst ; d'après une idée de Lawrence Schiller ; directed and produced by Benedikt Taschen ; [traduit de l'anglais par Alice Pétillot, Daniel Roche, Philippe Safavi]Set Level: 45678192, ˜Le œtour du monde en 125 ansPublication: Köln : [Paris] : TaschenManufacture: impr. en ItalieCopyright date: 2017Description: 1 vol. (336 p.) : ill. en coul. ; 38 cmAvailability: Items available for loan: Bibliothèque TamilCall number: 914.002 22 (1).
Eric Clapton [Images animées] : live at Montreux 1986 / Eric Clapton, chant, guit. ; Phil Collins, batt. ; Greg Phillinganes, claviers ; Nathan East, chant, guit. bPublication: [Europe] : Eagle Rock entertainment [éd.], [Paris] : Universal music [distrib.], [2015]Description: 1 DVD vidéo monoface simple couche toutes zones (1 h 56 min) : 4/3, coul. (PAL), son., surround (Dolby)Availability: Items available for loan: Bibliothèque Tamil (1).
Live at Knebworth [Multimédia multisupport] : the best British rock concert of all time : special 20th anniversary releasePiece-Analytic Level: a001000, Knebworth, the silver clef, award winners, june 30th 1990 • a002000, Live at Knebworth, the best British rock concert of all time : special 20th anniversary release / featuring Eric Clapton, guit., chant / Phil Collins, chant, batt. / Status quo, groupe voc. et instr... [et al.] • a003000, Live at Knebworth, the best British rock concert of all time : special 20th anniversary release / featuring Eric Clapton, guit., chant / Phil Collins, chant, batt. / Status quo, groupe voc. et instr... [et al.]Publication: [Grande-Bretagne] : Eagle Rock entertainment, [DL 2010]Description: 1 vol. (42 p.) : ill. en coul. ; 17 cmDescription: 2 disques compactsDescription: 2 DVD vidéo monofaces simple et double couche toutes zones (3 h ) : 4/3, coul. (PAL), son., surround (Dolby)Description: 1 impr. photoméc. (ticket) : coul. ; 10 x 11 cmDescription: 1 impr. photoméc. (dépliant) ; 12 x 18 cmAvailability: Items available for loan: Bibliothèque Tamil (1).
In the air tonight [Enregistrement sonore] / Phil Collins, chant [acc. voc. et instr.]Piece-Analytic Level: In the air tonight • ˜The œroof is leakingPublication: [Europe] : Warner music, [France] : [distrib. Warner music France], P 2015Description: 1 disque : 45 t ; 17 cm + 1 brochure (18 x18 cm)Availability: Items available for loan: Bibliothèque Tamil (1).
Testify [Enregistrement sonore]Additional testimony / Phil Collins, chant [acc. voc. et instr.]Piece-Analytic Level: Wake up call • Come with me • Testify • Don't get me started • Swing law • It's not too late • This love this heart • Doing me crazy • ˜The œleast you can do • Can't stop loving you • Through my eyes • You touch my heart • High flying angel, B-side • Crystal clear, B-side • Hey now sunshine, B-side • TV story, B-side • True colors, live rehearsal • Come with me, live • It's not too late, live • Can't stop loving you, live • It's only loving, demo • Tearing and breaking, demoPublication: [Europe] : Warner music, [France] : [distrib. Warner music France], P 2016Description: 2 disques compacts (57 min 26 s, 47 min 25 s) + 1 dépl.Availability: Items available for loan: Bibliothèque Tamil (1).
Face value [Images animées] / Jeremy Marre, réal. ; Phil Collins, chant [acc. voc. et instr.] ; Phil Collins, Ahmet Ertegun, Tony Banks... [et al.], participantsPublication: [Londres] : Eagle Rock entertainment, 2017Distribution: [Paris] : Universal musicDescription: 1 DVD vidéo monoface simple couche toutes zones (1 h) : 4/3, coul. avec séquences n. et b. (PAL), son., stéréo + 1 f.Availability: Items available for loan: Bibliothèque Tamil (1).
Truman Capote [Images animées] / Bennett Miller, réal. ; Gerald Clarke, aut. adapté ; Dan Futterman, scénario ; Mychael Danna, comp. ; Philip Seymour Hoffman, Catherine Keener, Clifton Collins Jr... [et al.], act.Translation of: CapotePublication: [Paris] : Twentieth century Fox home entertainment France [éd.], Fox Pathé Europa [distrib.], [DL 2013]Description: 1 DVD vidéo monoface double couche zone 2 (1 h 45 min) : 16/9, coul. (PAL), son., surround (Dolby)Availability: Items available for loan: Bibliothèque Tamil (1).
Version 24.11.02