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Tonight [Enregistrement sonore] : Welthits von Berlin bis Brodway / Paul Lincke, Hans May, Robert Stolz... [et al.], comp. ; Renée Fleming, S ; Klaus Florian Voght, T... [et al.] ; Christian Thielemann, dir.Piece-Analytic Level: Grigri, Overture (8 min 17 s) / Paul Lincke, comp. • ˜Ein œLied geht um die Welt, from the movie of the same name (2 min 22 s) / Hans May, comp. • Du sollst der Kaiser meiner Seele sein, from the operetta der Favorit (5 min 10 s) / Robert Stolz, comp. • Intermezzo, from Tänzerische Suite op. 26 (4 min 58 s) / Eduard Künneke, comp. • Ich bin nur ein armer Wandergesell, from the operetta Der Vetter aus Dingsda (2 min 52 s) / Eduard Künneke, comp. • Zwei Herzen im Dreivierteltakt, from the operetta of the same name (3 min 25 s) • Es leuchten die Sterne, from the movie of the same name (4 min 34 s) / Leo Leux, comp. • Blume von Hawaii, from the operetta of the same name (3 min 27 s) / Paul Abraham, comp. • Berliner Luft, from the operetta Frau Luna (3 min 48 s) / Paul Lincke, comp. • ˜The œLoreley, from the musical Pardon my English (3 min 48 s) / George Gershwin, comp. • Strike up the band, Overture (7 min 37 s) • Maria, from West Side story (2 min 58 s) • I could have danced all night, from the musical My fair lady (2 min 43 s) / Frederick Loewe, comp. • Foolish heart, from the musical One touch of Venus (3 min 08 s) / Kurt Weill, comp. • Tonight, From West Side story (4 min 50 s) / Leonard Bernstein, comp. • Du bist die Welt für mich, from the operetta Der singende Traum, encore (4 min 21 s) / Richard Tauber, comp. • Fascinating rhythm, from the musical Lady, be good !, encore (3 min 16 s) / George Gerschwin, comp. • Anything you can do, from the musical Annie get your gun, encore (3 min 59 s) / Irving Berlin, comp.Publication: [Europe] : Universal music, [France] : [distrib. Universal music France], P 2014Description: 1 disque compact (1 h 15 min 41 s) : DDD + 1 brochureAvailability: Items available for loan: Bibliothèque Tamil (1).
Image from Coce
Histoires illustrées de la Chine [Texte imprimé] / adaptation, Rosie Dickins et Andrew Prentice ; illustrations, Li Weiding ; [traduction, Nathalie Chaput]Publication: Londres : Éditions Usborne, 2019Manufacture: impr. aux Émirats arabes unisDescription: 1 vol. (192 p.) : ill. en coul. ; 20 cmAvailability: Items available for loan: Bibliothèque TamilCall number: 398.209 51 (1).
Version 24.11.02
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