Your search returned 9 results.

Image from Coce
Living in Provence [Texte imprimé] / photos and texts by Barbara and René Stoeltie et al. ; edited by Angelika TaschenPublication: Köln : [Paris] : TaschenManufacture: impr. en PologneCopyright date: 2018Description: 1 vol. (511 p.) : ill. en coul. ; 21 cmAvailability: Items available for loan: Bibliothèque TamilCall number: 747.094 49 (1).
Image from Coce
Living in Japan [Texte imprimé] / photos, Reto Guntli ; texts by Alex Kerr and Kathy Arlyn Sokol ; edited by Angelika TaschenPublication: Köln : [Paris] : TaschenManufacture: impr. en ChineCopyright date: 2018Description: 1 vol. (501 p.) : ill. en coul. ; 21 cmAvailability: Items available for loan: Bibliothèque TamilCall number: 747.095 2 (1).
Image from Coce
Living in Morocco [Texte imprimé] / photos and texts by Barbara & René Stoeltie et al. ; edited by Angelika TaschenPublication: Köln : [Paris] : TaschenManufacture: impr. en ItalieCopyright date: 2018Description: 1 vol. (207 p.) : ill. en coul. ; 21 cmAvailability: Items available for loan: Bibliothèque TamilCall number: 747.096 4 (1).
Image from Coce
Living in Tuscany [Texte imprimé] / photos and texts by Barbara & René Stoeltie et al. ; edited by Angelika TaschenPublication: Köln : [Paris] : TaschenManufacture: impr. en PologneCopyright date: 2018Description: 1 vol. (471 p.) : ill. en coul. ; 21 cmAvailability: Items available for loan: Bibliothèque TamilCall number: 747.094 55 (1).
Image from Coce
Great escapes, Italy [Texte imprimé] : the hotel book / [texts by Christiane Reiter] ; [edited by] Angelika TaschenSet Level: 45163787, Great escapesPublication: Köln : [Paris] : TaschenManufacture: impr. en SlovénieCopyright date: 2020Description: 1 vol. (359 p.) : ill. en coul. ; 31 cmAvailability: Items available for loan: Bibliothèque TamilCall number: 747.885 0945 (1).
Image from Coce
Living in Bali [Texte imprimé] / photos, Reto Guntli ; texts by Anita Lococo ; edited by Angelika TaschenPublication: Köln : [Paris] : TaschenManufacture: impr. en ChineCopyright date: 2018Description: 1 vol. (458 p.) : ill. en coul. ; 21 cmAvailability: Items available for loan: Bibliothèque TamilCall number: 747.095 98 (1).
Image from Coce
Living in Mexico [Texte imprimé] / photos and texts by Barbara & René Stoeltie et al. ; edited by Angelika TaschenPublication: Köln : [Paris] : TaschenManufacture: impr. en ChineCopyright date: 2018Description: 1 vol. (431 p.) : ill. en coul. ; 21 cmAvailability: Items available for loan: Bibliothèque TamilCall number: 747.097 2 (1).
Image from Coce
Living in Asia [Texte imprimé] / photos, Reto Guntli ; edited by Angelika Taschen ; text by Sunil SethiPublication: Köln : [Paris] : TaschenManufacture: impr. en SlovénieCopyright date: 2019Description: 1 vol. (532 p.) : ill. en coul. ; 21 cmAvailability: Items available for loan: Bibliothèque TamilCall number: 747.095 (1).
Image from Coce
Great escapes, Africa [Texte imprimé] : the hotel book / [texts by Christiane Reiter, Shelley-Maree Cassidy] ; [edited by] Angelika TaschenSet Level: 45163787, Great escapesPublication: Köln : [Paris] : TaschenManufacture: impr. en SlovénieCopyright date: 2019Description: 1 vol. (359 p.) : ill. en coul. ; 31 cmAvailability: Items available for loan: Bibliothèque TamilCall number: 747.885 096 (1).
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