Miserere [Enregistrement sonore] : a sequence of music for Lent, St Joseph, and the Annunciation / George Malcolm, William Byrd, Giovanni Pierluigi da Palestrina… [et al.], comp. ; William Gaunt, BAR ; Peter Stevens, org. ; Westminster cathedral choir ; Martin Baker, chef de choeur Piece-Analytic Level: a001000, Attende, Domine, plainsong (3 min 24 s) / Peter Stevens, org. / Westminster cathedral choir / Martin Baker, chef de choeur • a002000, Miserere mei, Deus (8 min 43 s) / George Malcolm, comp. ; Westminster cathedral choir ; Martin Baker, chef de choeur • a003000, Emendemus in melius (4 min 31 s) / William Byrd, comp. ; Westminster cathedral choir ; Martin Baker, chef de choeur • a004000, Missa Emendemus in melius, Kyrie (2 min 39 s) / Giovanni Pierluigi da Palestrina, comp. ; Westminster cathedral choir ; Martin Baker, chef de choeur • a005000, Missa Emendemus in melius, Agnus Dei (5 min 05 s) / Giovanni Pierluigi da Palestrina, comp. ; Westminster cathedral choir ; Martin Baker, chef de choeur • a006000, Scapulis suis (4 min 11 s) / George Malcolm, comp. ; Westminster cathedral choir ; Martin Baker, chef de choeur • a007000, Audi, benigne conditor, plainsong (2 min 39 s) / Peter Stevens, org. / Westminster cathedral choir / Martin Baker, chef de choeur • a008000, In spiritu humilitatis (5 min 35 s) / Giovanni Croce, comp. ; Westminster cathedral choir ; Martin Baker, chef de choeur • a009000, Evigila super nos, magnificat antiphon (46 s) / Westminster cathedral choir / Martin Baker, chef de choeur • a010000, Magnificat quarti toni (4 min 45 s) / David Bevan, comp. ; Westminster cathedral choir ; Martin Baker, chef de choeur • a011000, Evigila super nos, antiphon repeat (53 s) / Westminster cathedral choir / Martin Baker, chef de choeur • a012000, Iustus ut palma (4 min 06 s) / Colin Mawby, comp. ; William Gaunt, BAR ; Peter Stevens, org. ; Westminster cathedral choir ; Martin Baker, chef de choeur • a013000, Messe IX «Cum iubilo», Kyrie, plainsong (2 min 05 s) / Peter Stevens, org. / Westminster cathedral choir / Martin Baker, chef de choeur • a014000, Messe IX «Cum iubilo», Gloria, plainsong (3 min 21 s) / Peter Stevens, org. / Westminster cathedral choir / Martin Baker, chef de choeur • a015000, Veritas mea (3 min 14 s) / George Malcolm, comp. ; Westminster cathedral choir ; Martin Baker, chef de choeur • a016000, Credo IV, plainsong (4 min 37 s) / Peter Stevens, org. / Westminster cathedral choir / Martin Baker, chef de choeur • a017000, Ave Maria (5 min 35 s) / Robert Parsons, comp. ; Westminster cathedral choir ; Martin Baker, chef de choeur • a018000, Messe IX «Cum iubilo», Sanctus and Benedictus, plainsong (1 min 39 s) / Peter Stevens, org. / Westminster cathedral choir / Martin Baker, chef de choeur • a019000, Messe IX «Cum iubilo», Agnus Dei, plainsong (1 min 31 s) / Peter Stevens, org. / Westminster cathedral choir / Martin Baker, chef de choeur • a020000, Ave virgo sanctissima (4 min 59 s) / Francisco Guerrero, comp. ; Westminster cathedral choir ; Martin Baker, chef de choeur • a021000, Te lucis ante terminum I (2 min 07 s) / Thomas Tallis, comp. ; Westminster cathedral choir ; Martin Baker, chef de choeur • a022000, Salva nos, Domine, Nunc dimittis antiphon (28 s) / Westminster cathedral choir / Martin Baker, chef de choeur • a023000, Nunc dimittis tertii toni (1 min 38 s) / George Malcolm, comp. ; Westminster cathedral choir ; Martin Baker, chef de choeur • a024000, Salva nos, Domine, antiphon repeat (39 s) / Westminster cathedral choir / Martin Baker, chef de choeurPublication: London : Hyperion records, [France] : [distrib. Abeille musique], P 2013Description: 1 disque compact (1 h 19 min 15 s) :
1 brochure (21 p.) : ill. en coul., couv. ill. en coul. ; 12 cmAvailability: Items available for loan: Bibliothèque Tamil (1).