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Collection Économie et prospective numériques [Texte imprimé] / [CIGREF] ; dirigée par Jean-François Pépin et Jean-François PhelizonPublication: Paris : 3 Av. Hoche ; 75008, Nuvis, CIGREF, impr. 2010-Description: vol. ; 19 et 24 cmAvailability: Items available for loan: Bibliothèque TamilCall number: 384.3 (1).
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Market price signals and regulatory frameworks for coordination of transmission investments [Texte imprimé] / [CIGRÉ], Working group C5.18Publication: Paris : CIGRÉ, 2017Manufacture: 28-Le Coudray : Impr. ConformesDescription: 1 vol. (83 p.) : ill. en coul. ; 30 cmAvailability: Items available for loan: Bibliothèque Tamil (1).
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Guidelines for the use of statistics and statistical tools on life data [Texte imprimé] : [CIGRÉ], Working group D1.39Publication: Paris : Cigré, 2017Manufacture: 28-Le Coudray : Impr. ConformesDescription: 1 vol. (94 p.) : ill. en coul. ; 30 cmAvailability: Items available for loan: Bibliothèque Tamil (1).
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Fire issues for insulated cables installed air [Texte imprimé] / [CIGRÉ], Working group B1.51Publication: Paris : Cigré, 2018Manufacture: 28-Le Coudray : Impr. ChauveauDescription: 1 vol. (144 p.) : ill. en coul. ; 30 cmAvailability: Items available for loan: Bibliothèque Tamil (1).
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Impacts of environmental policy on power markets [Texte imprimé] / [CIGRÉ], Working group C5.21Publication: Paris : Cigré, 2017Manufacture: 28-Le Coudray : Impr. ChauveauDescription: 1 vol. (44 p.) : ill. en coul. ; 30 cmAvailability: Items available for loan: Bibliothèque Tamil (1).
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Transformer post-mortem analysis [Texte imprimé] / [CIGRÉ], WG A2.45 [Power transformers and reactors]Publication: Paris : CIGRÉ, 2018Manufacture: 28-Le Coudray : Impr. ChauveauDescription: 1 vol. (129 p.) : ill. en coul. ; 30 cmAvailability: Items available for loan: Bibliothèque Tamil (1).
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Management of risk in substations [Texte imprimé] / [CIGRÉ], WG B3.38 [Substations and electrical installations]Publication: Paris : CIGRÉ, 2018Manufacture: 28-Le Coudray : Impr. ChauveauDescription: 1 vol. (148 p.) : ill. en coul. ; 30 cmAvailability: Items available for loan: Bibliothèque Tamil (1).
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Modelling of inverter-based generation for power system dynamic studies [Texte imprimé] / [CIGRÉ], JWG C4-C6.35-CIREDPublication: Paris : CIGRÉ, 2018Manufacture: 28-Le Coudray : Impr. ChauveauDescription: 1 vol. (292 p.) : ill. en coul. ; 30 cmAvailability: Items available for loan: Bibliothèque Tamil (1).
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Guide on new generator-grid interaction requirements [Texte imprimé] / [CIGRÉ], WG A1.29 [Rotating electrical machines]Publication: Paris : CIGRÉ, 2018Manufacture: 28-Le Coudray : Impr. ChauveauDescription: 1 vol. (78 p.) : ill. en coul. ; 30 cmAvailability: Items available for loan: Bibliothèque Tamil (1).
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Vibration and stability problems met in new, old and refurbished hydro generators: root causes and consequences [Texte imprimé] / [CIGRÉ], Working group A1.36Publication: Paris : CIGRÉ, 2017Manufacture: 28-Le Coudray : Impr. ConformesDescription: 1 vol. (182 p.) : ill. en coul. ; 30 cmAvailability: Items available for loan: Bibliothèque Tamil (1).
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Life cycle assessment of underground cables [Texte imprimé] / [CIGRÉ], Working group B1.36Publication: Paris : CIGRÉ, 2017Manufacture: 28-Le Coudray : Impr. ConformesDescription: 1 vol. (177 p.) : ill. en coul. ; 30 cmAvailability: Items available for loan: Bibliothèque Tamil (1).
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Challenge in the control centre, EMS, due to distributed generation and renewables [Texte imprimé] / [CIGRÉ], Working group C2.16Publication: Paris : Cigré, 2017Manufacture: 28-Le Coudray : Impr. ConformesDescription: 1 vol. (41 p.) : ill. en coul. ; 30 cmAvailability: Items available for loan: Bibliothèque Tamil (1).
Image from Coce
Framework for EPU operators to manage the response to a cyber-initiated threat to their critical infrastructure [Texte imprimé] : [CIGRÉ], Working group D2.38Publication: Paris : Cigré, 2017Manufacture: 28-Le Coudray : Impr. ConformesDescription: 1 vol. (95 p.) : ill. en coul. ; 30 cmAvailability: Items available for loan: Bibliothèque Tamil (1).
Image from Coce
Designing HVDC grids for optimal reliability and availability performance [Texte imprimé] / [CIGRÉ], Working group B4.60Publication: Paris : Cigré, 2017Manufacture: 28-Le Coudray : Impr. ChauveauDescription: 1 vol. (134 p.) : ill. en coul. ; 30 cmAvailability: Items available for loan: Bibliothèque Tamil (1).
Image from Coce
The impact of battery energy storage systems on distribution networks [Texte imprimé] / [CIGRÉ], Working group C6.30Publication: Paris : Cigré, 2018Manufacture: 28-Le Coudray : Impr. ChaveauDescription: 1 vol. (125 p.) : ill. en coul. ; 30 cmAvailability: Items available for loan: Bibliothèque Tamil (1).
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Advanced utility data management and analytics for improved operation situational awareness of EPU operations [Texte imprimé] / [CIGRÉ], JWG D2-C2.41Publication: Paris : CIGRÉ, 2018Manufacture: 28-Le Coudray : Impr. ChauveauDescription: 1 vol. (136 p.) : ill. en coul. ; 30 cmAvailability: Items available for loan: Bibliothèque Tamil (1).
Image from Coce
Technological feasibility studies for super and ultra premium efficient motors [Texte imprimé] / [CIGRÉ], WG A1.47 [Rotating electrical machines]Publication: Paris : CIGRÉ, 2018Manufacture: 28-Le Coudray : Impr. ChauveauDescription: 1 vol. (95-[39] p.) : ill. en coul. ; 30 cmAvailability: Items available for loan: Bibliothèque Tamil (1).
Image from Coce
Ageing high voltage substation equipment and possible mitigation techniques [Texte imprimé] / [CIGRÉ], WG A3.29 [Transmission and distribution equipment]Publication: Paris : CIGRÉ, 2018Manufacture: 28-Le Coudray : Impr. ChauveauDescription: 1 vol. (301 p.) : ill. en coul. ; 30 cmAvailability: Items available for loan: Bibliothèque Tamil (1).
Image from Coce
SF6 measurement guide [Texte imprimé] / [CIGRÉ], WG B3.40 [Substations and electrical installations]Publication: Paris : CIGRÉ, 2018Manufacture: 28-Le Coudray : Impr. ChauveauDescription: 1 vol. (75 p.) : ill. en coul. ; 30 cmAvailability: Items available for loan: Bibliothèque Tamil (1).
Image from Coce
Non-intrusive methods for condition assessment of distribution and transmission switchgear [Texte imprimé] / [CIGRÉ, Joined working group] A3.[32] Transmission and distribution equipment-[Congrès international des réseaux électriques de distribution]Publication: Paris : CIGRÉ, 2018Manufacture: 28-Le Coudray : Impr. ChauveauDescription: 1 vol. (216 p.) : ill. en coul. ; 30 cmAvailability: Items available for loan: Bibliothèque Tamil (1).
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