Kou ar vran [Texte imprimé] / Tangi Malmanche ; brezhoneg gant Pierrette Kermoal Translation of: Kou le corbeauPublication: Landeda : Aber, 2018Manufacture: 29-Brest : Moul. OuestélioDescription: 1 vol. (82 p.) ;
20 cmAvailability: Items available for loan: Bibliothèque Tamil (1).
Hudour burzhudus Oz [Texte imprimé] / Lyman Frank Baum ; lakaet e brezhoneg gant Mari Elen Maze Translation of: The wonderful wizard of OzPublication: Landeda : Aber, 2017Manufacture: 29-Brest : Moul. OuestélioDescription: 1 vol. (204 p.) :
ill. ;
20 cmAvailability: Items available for loan: Bibliothèque Tamil (1).
Àr an daoulin [Texte imprimé] / Yann-Bêr Kalloc'h Bleimor ; savet diwar an embannadurioù kant, skoueriekaet ha notennaouet gant L. Moulleg Publication: Landeda : Aber, 2018Manufacture: 29-Brest : Moul. OuestélioDescription: 1 vol. (286 p.) :
ill. ;
20 cmAvailability: Items available for loan: Bibliothèque Tamil (1).
Perlez va daeloù [Texte imprimé] : dastumad barzhonegoù / Paskal Tabuteau Publication: Landeda : Aber, 2018Manufacture: 29-Brest : Moul. OuestélioDescription: 1 vol. (105 p.) ;
20 cmAvailability: Items available for loan: Bibliothèque Tamil (1).
Dastumadeg an anaon [Texte imprimé] / Bernez Tangi Publication: Lannuon [i.e. Lannion] : Skrid, 2018Manufacture: 29-Brest : Moul. OuestelioDescription: 1 vol. (91 p.) ;
21 cmAvailability: Items available for loan: Bibliothèque Tamil (1).
Ostizien ar C'hi melen mat [Texte imprimé] / Pierre Mac Orlan ; lakaet e brezhoneg gant Goulc'han Kervella ; [tresadennoù gant Steven Maze] Translation of: Les clients du Bon Chien jaunePublication: Landeda : Aber, 2019Manufacture: 29-Brest : Moul. OuestélioDescription: 1 vol. (137 p.) :
ill. ;
20 cm +
1 livret ; 21 cmAvailability: Items available for loan: Bibliothèque Tamil (1).
Sklisennoù [Texte imprimé] / Pierrette Kermoal Publication: Landeda : Aber, 2017Manufacture: 29-Brest : Moul. OuestélioDescription: 1 vol. (109 p.) ;
20 cmAvailability: Items available for loan: Bibliothèque Tamil (1).
Ouzh taol, morlaeron ! [Texte imprimé] / gant Claire Bertholet ; skeudennoù gant Éric Gasté ; brezhoneg gant Mark Kerrain Publication: Reuz [i.e. Le Rheu] : Sav-Heol, DL 2018Manufacture: 29-Brest : Moul. OuestelioDescription: 1 vol. (32 p.) :
ill. en coul. ;
18 cmAvailability: Items available for loan: Bibliothèque Tamil (1).
Etre fent ha c'hoarzh [Texte imprimé] / Mark Kerrain Publication: Reuz [i.e. Le Rheu] : Sav-Heol, DL 2019Manufacture: 29-Brest : Moul. OuestelioDescription: 1 vol. (74 p.) ;
15 cmAvailability: Items available for loan: Bibliothèque TamilCall number: 891.688 402 (oeuvre) (1).
Gwerz Fañch [Texte imprimé] : son an amann, Anna ha Johanna, son Bécassine ha kanaouennoù all / [kanaouennoù brezhonek troet diwar yezhoù all gant Mark Kerrain] Publication: Reuz [i.e. Le Rheu] : Sav-Heol, DL 2018Manufacture: 29-Brest : Moul. OuestelioDescription: 1 vol. (62 p.) ;
21 cmAvailability: Items available for loan: Bibliothèque Tamil (1).
Istorioù maouezed [Texte imprimé] / Guy de Maupassant ; troet e brezhoneg gant Mark Kerrain Publication: Reuz [i.e. Le Rheu] : Sav-Heol, DL 2018Manufacture: 29-Brest : Moul. OuestelioDescription: 1 vol. (95 p.) ;
18 cmAvailability: Items available for loan: Bibliothèque Tamil (1).
Karv-erc'h Tadig an Nedeleg [Texte imprimé] / ur gontadenn gant Méli Marlo ; skeudennaouet gant Pawel Pawlak ; brezhoneg gant Mark Kerrain Translation of: Le renne du Père NoëlPublication: Reuz [i.e. Le Rheu] : Sav-Heol, DL 2018Manufacture: 29-Brest : Moul. OuestelioDescription: 1 vol. (32 p.) :
ill. en coul. ;
18 cmAvailability: Items available for loan: Bibliothèque Tamil (1).
100 rimadell evit ar vugale [Texte imprimé] / Mark Kerrain Publication: Reuz [i.e. Le Rheu] : Sav-Heol, DL 2019Manufacture: 29-Brest : Moul. OuestelioDescription: 1 vol. (70 p.) :
ill. ;
21 cmAvailability: Items available for loan: Bibliothèque Tamil (1).
Keoded ar sunerien-levrioù [Texte imprimé] / Éric Sanvoisin ; skeudennoù gant Martin Matje Translation of: La cité des buveurs d'encreSet Level: 45222632, Ar suner-levrioù, 3Publication: Reuz [i.e. Le Rheu] : Sav-Heol, DL 2019Manufacture: 29-Brest : Moul. OuestelioDescription: 1 vol. (42 p.) :
ill. en coul. ;
19 cmAvailability: Items available for loan: Bibliothèque Tamil (1).
Un dornad limerigoù [Texte imprimé] / Mark Kerrain Publication: Reuz [i.e. Le Rheu] : Sav-Heol, DL 2019Manufacture: 29-Brest : Moul. OuestelioDescription: 1 vol. (28 p.) ;
16 cmAvailability: Items available for loan: Bibliothèque Tamil (1).
Kuzh [Texte imprimé] / Paol ar Meur Publication: [S.l.] : Kerber Kore, moul. 2017Manufacture: 29-Brest : Moul. OuestelioDescription: 1 vol. (84 p.) ;
21 cmAvailability: Items available for loan: Bibliothèque Tamil (1).
Krampouezh ter-du [Texte imprimé] : kizhier saoz ha bechennoù ruz... / Paol ar Meur Publication: [S.l.] : Kerber Kore, moul. 2017Manufacture: 29-Brest : Moul. OuestelioDescription: 1 vol. (153 p.) ;
21 cmAvailability: Items available for loan: Bibliothèque Tamil (1).
Mab ar samourai [Texte imprimé] / Géraldine Maincent ; skeudennoù gant Daniel Kerleroux ; brezhoneg gant Mark Kerrain Translation of: Le fils du samouraïPublication: Reuz [i.e. Le Rheu] : Sav-Heol, DL 2019Manufacture: 29-Brest : Moul. OuestelioDescription: 1 vol. (23 p.) :
ill. en coul. ;
18 cmAvailability: Items available for loan: Bibliothèque Tamil (1).
Teñzorioù [Texte imprimé] / Ilan Kervoas-Le Nabat, Sulian Le Bozec-Chiffoleau Publication: [Laz] : Keit vimp bev, 2017Manufacture: 29-Brest : Moul. OuestelioDescription: 1 vol. (90 p.) :
ill. ;
18 cmAvailability: Items available for loan: Bibliothèque Tamil (1).